Dr. Chiranjeeva is an Assistant
Professor of Silviculture in the department of
Silviculture and Agroforestry. He is having more
than 2 years of research and teaching experience
at Forest College and Research Institute,
He obtained his Doctorate in
Forestry with specialization in Silviculture. He
has got his master’s degree in forestry with
specialization in Plantation technology.
Smt.Sailaja is an Assistant
Professor in Entomology with 9 years of
Research, Teaching and Extension experience in
Indian Council of Agricultural Research
Institutes and State Agricultural University.
She worked with ICAR-Indian
Institute of Rice Research (Directorate of Rice
Research), Hyderabad in estimation of
temperature thresholds and thermal constants for
development and survival of rice leaf folder,
rice plant hoppers (BPH & WBPH).
Dr. Sreekumar is a wildlife
biologist and completed his B. Sc. (Hons.)
Forestry, M. Sc. Forestry and Ph. D. Forestry
from Kerala Agricultural University. He
specialised in wildlife science during
He was worked on
the impact of climate change on the montane
specialised endemic birds of the Western Ghats,
India during Ph. D programme. He has been
awarded the KSCSTE Research Fellowship by the
Kerala State Council for Science, Technology and
Dr. Kapil is an Assistant
Professor of Wood Science and Technology with
more than 3 years of research and teaching
experience in various universities/research
institutes in India. He possesses meritorious
academic record in field of Wood Science and
Prior to joining forest
college and research institute, he worked as
Assistant Professor in college of agricultural
sciences, Uttaranchal University, Dehradun.
Dr. Reeja is working as an
Assistant Professor at Forest College and
Research Institute, Telangana. She has 6 years
of Teaching, Research and Extension experience.
Her subjects of expertise include Tree Genetics,
Tree Breeding and Improvement with special focus
on clonal forestry and Conservation Biology.
She has also worked extensively on
the improvement of Bio-diesel crop Jatropha. She
started her career in 2009 as SMS at KVK,
Vriddhachalam, TNAU.
Dr. Priya is an Assistant
Professor of Forest Ecology in the department of
Forest Ecology and Climate Science. Her M.Sc.
work was “Vegetative propagation of
Pittosporum floribundum through
cuttings under mid hill conditions of Himachal
Pradesh” and Ph.D. thesis work was on “Growth,
regeneration and propagation studies of
Olea glandulifera.
She received merit scholarship for her master’s
research as well as DST INSPIRE fellowship for
her doctoral research.
Mr. Sampath Kumar works as a
Librarian at Forest College and Research
Institute, Mulugu. He has more than 3 years of
experience as an Information Assistant. He had
earlier worked as Information assistant at IIT
Madras, Chennai and R.V.M. Medical College,
Mulugu, Telangana State.
He received
his Masters of Library and Information Science
from Kakatiya University and Postgraduate
Diploma in Library Automation and Networking
(P.G.D.L.A.N) from University of Hyderabad.
Dr. K. Prabhu working as a
Physical Director / Sports Officer FCRI,
Hyderabad @ Mulugu. He has 12 years in Schools,
24 years in Junior/ Degree & PG Colleges
experience. Organising Secretary – SGFI-19
period (2008-2009).
Manager- SGFI A.P. and O U teams Member – Panel
Inspection team for TSWRS & TWRS schools and
Colleges – 2019-20.
Dr. Chiranjeeva is an Assistant Professor of Silviculture in the department of Silviculture and Agroforestry. He is having more than 2 years of research and teaching experience at Forest College and Research Institute, Mulugu. He obtained his Doctorate in Forestry with specialization in Silviculture. He has got his master’s degree in forestry with specialization in Plantation technology.
He has obtained Junior Research Fellowship from Indian Council of Agricultural Research for the year 2010- 2012 and the recipient of Inspire Fellowship from Department of Science and Technology, Government of India for the year 2013-2018. He has 13 Research articles, 1 book and few popular articles to his credit. He has participated and presented his research work in various National and International Conferences.
He is also a life member in Indian society of Agro forestry and Society for Advancement of Human and Nature. Climate change mitigation through forestry interventions, tropical agroforestry for sustainable development and commercial forestry are the areas of his interest.
Smt.Sailaja is an Assistant Professor in Entomology with 9 years of Research, Teaching and Extension experience in Indian Council of Agricultural Research Institutes and State Agricultural University. She worked with ICAR-Indian Institute of Rice Research (Directorate of Rice Research), Hyderabad in estimation of temperature thresholds and thermal constants for development and survival of rice leaf folder, rice plant hoppers (BPH & WBPH) which could be used for development of phenology models for forecasting the pests.
She worked with ICAR-CRIDA where she prepared 114 District Agriculture Contingency Plans for different states in India to manage various weather aberrations such as droughts, floods, cyclones, hailstorms, heat and cold waves addressing different sectors of agriculture including horticulture, livestock, poultry and fisheries in NICRA Project. She has 20 Research articles, 4 books and few popular articles to her credit. She has participated and presented her research work in various National and International Conferences.
Her area of interest is in pest population dynamics and weather based forewarning models for integrated pest management. She has received Best Master Thesis Award, Best Poster Award in International conference organized at ICRISAT, Scientist Associate Award in the field of Entomology and Best Photo Winner Award. She delivered lectures as Resource Person at ICFRE-IFB & NIPHM.
Dr. Sreekumar is a wildlife biologist and completed his B. Sc. (Hons.) Forestry, M. Sc. Forestry and Ph. D. Forestry from Kerala Agricultural University. He specialised in wildlife science during post-graduation. He was worked on the impact of climate change on the montane specialised endemic birds of the Western Ghats, India during Ph. D programme. He has been awarded the KSCSTE Research Fellowship by the Kerala State Council for Science, Technology and Environment.
He qualified both UGC and ICAR National Eligibility Tests. His major focus on the ornithology, species distribution modelling, small carnivores and wildlife conservation. He also interested in GIS and data analysis using R application. He has published scientific articles in reputed journal like Current Science and Journal of Threatened Taxa.
Dr. Mamatha is Professor in Forest Botany at Forest College and Research Institute. She has worked as Assistant Professor in the Dept., of Botany, Telangana University, Nizamabad for 11 years and 10 years in Research Experience. She completed her M.Sc. (Botany) and Ph.D. from Osmania University, Hyd. She worked as Research Assistant in the Forest Department in Hyderabad and Research Associate in CSIR Project Dept. of Botany, Osmania University. She worked as a Lecturer in Botany in Dr. B.R. Ambedkar College, Hyderabad.
She Published 20 Research papers in National/International Journals and attended 20 National/International Conferences / seminars. She visited John Hopkins University Montgomery Country Campus Rockville, Mary land – USA and also visited Colombo University, Colombo, Sri Lanka and presented research papers.
She served as Administrative positions like NSS programming officer, Director, SC-ST Cell Coordinator, Coordinator for Network of Indian Universities on cultural and biological diversity (NIUCBD), Director of Women Cell, Vice-Principal of University College, Chairperson Board of Studies in Botany, Chairperson Board of Studies in Forestry, Coordinator for Sports and Games and also Served as Dy. Director, Directorate of Academic Audit and science, Coordinator of examination branch in Telangana University. She is the member of Various Committees constituted by the University. Sheis recognized as Ph.D.; supervisor and 5 research scholars are working under her guidance. She has represented as a senior athlete in National and All India Inter Universities in cycling and Athletics.
Dr. Kapilis an Assistant Professor of Wood Science and Technology with more than 3 years of research and teaching experience in various universities/research institutes in India. He possesses meritorious academic record in field of Wood Science and Technology. Prior to joining forest college and research institute, he worked as Assistant Professor in college of agricultural sciences, Uttaranchal University, Dehradun. He has taught Wood Anatomy, Wood Products and Utilization, Wood Science and Technology (wood preservation, wood seasoning, wood sawing and finishing), Non-Timber Forest Products courses for B.Sc. Forestry students.
He has done B.Sc. Forestry from College of Horticulture and Forestry, Jhalawar (MPUAT Udaipur) and M.Sc. Wood Science and Technology from FRI, Dehradun. He has qualified Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR)-NET examination in 2013.His doctoral degree at FRI, Dehradun with Dr. Anil Negi focused study on the development of medium density fibre board from bamboo using needle punch technique. It was the unique work for the development of fibre board.
Dr. Reeja is working as an Assistant Professor at Forest College and Research Institute, Telangana. She has 6 years of Teaching, Research and Extension experience. Her subjects of expertise include Tree Genetics, Tree Breeding and Improvement with special focus on clonal forestry and Conservation Biology. She has also worked extensively on the improvement of Bio-diesel crop Jatropha. She started her career in 2009 as SMS at KVK, Vriddhachalam, TNAU. Remote sensing is another area of interest to her with special focus on hyperspectral sensing and techniques.
She had done a short-term pilot project on “Estimation of Foliar Nitrogen using Hyperspectral satellite data from Indian Institute of Remote Sensing. She has 15 Research articles, 3 books and 3 book chapters to her credit. She has participated and presented her research work in various National and International Conferences.
Dr. Priya is an Assistant Professor of Forest Ecology in the department of Forest Ecology and Climate Science. Her M.Sc. work was “Vegetative propagation of Pittosporum floribundum through cuttings under mid hill conditions of Himachal Pradesh” and Ph.D. thesis work was on “Growth, regeneration and propagation studies of Olea glandulifera. She received merit scholarship for her master’s research as well as DST INSPIRE fellowship for her doctoral research. She has more than15 national and international publications.
She has co-authored one book. She has also done two years training course for Assistant conservator of forest at Dehradun with special medal in the subject of Ecology and Biodiversity. Before joining FCRI, she was working as a Sub- Divisional Forest Officer in Nawegaon National Park, NNTR, under Maharashtra Forest department. She has one-year experience of working in Wildlife, National Park and tiger Reserve. She did Aquatic habitat Restoration of Nawegaon lake, Meadow development works for herbivores, weed eradication, wildlife census etc. in NNTR.
Mr. Sampath Kumar works as a Librarian at Forest College and Research Institute, Mulugu. He has more than 3 years of experience as an Information Assistant. He had earlier worked as Information assistant at IIT Madras, Chennai and R.V.M. Medical College, Mulugu, Telangana State. He received his Masters of Library and Information Science from Kakatiya University and Postgraduate Diploma in Library Automation and Networking (P.G.D.L.A.N) from University of Hyderabad.
Moreover, he is teaching Library and Information Services to the Postgraduate Students at Forest College & Research Institute. He has published two articles in journals on Digital Libraries and Total Quality Management.
Dr. K. Prabhu working as a Physical Director / Sports Officer FCRI, Hyderabad @ Mulugu. He has 12 years in Schools, 24 years in Junior/ Degree & PG Colleges experience. Organising Secretary – SGFI-19 period (2008-2009). Manager- SGFI A.P. and O U teams Member – Panel Inspection team for TSWRS & TWRS schools and Colleges – 2019-20.
Award of Excellence –commissioner of collegiate education, A.P. Hyderabad for organising games and sports under ‘Yuvatarangam’ - 2012. NSS STATE AWARD - ‘The Best Programme Officer’ for the year 2015-16 by The Higher Education Department, Telangana State. Best NSS Officer Award - for the year 2016-17 by The Commissioner of collegiate Education, Telangana State. Best Physical Director Award - for the year 2017-18 by The Commissioner of collegiate Education, Telangana State.
Dr. M. Mamatha
Dr. Mamatha is Professor in Forest Botany at Forest College and Research Institute. She has worked as Assistant Professor in the Dept., of Botany, Telangana University, Nizamabad for 11 years and 10 years in Research Experience. She completed her M.Sc. (Botany) and Ph.D. from Osmania University, Hyd.
She worked as Research Assistant in the Forest Department in Hyderabad and Research Associate in CSIR Project Dept. of Botany.